September 4, 2020

A delegation of seven members from the “We Can End All Violence against Women”
Coalition of B.C. is going to India for a two-week visit to learn more about the campaign
from its South Asian counterparts.

Read more

Become a Workshop Facilitator!

The “We Can” B.C. campaign is recruiting volunteer workshops facilitators to deliver workshops on violence against women in Greater Vancouver communities.

We are looking for committed and motivated people passionate about women’s rights and gender equality. Men and women of all ages are welcome to apply; no experience is necessary.

Deadline for applications is October 6th, 2008. Spaces are limited.

Click here for more information.

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For current opportunities email us at [email protected]

Find out about other We Can campaigns around the world by clicking on the international website:

PRESS CONFERENCE - November 22, 2020 @ BCTF

The We Can B.C. Coalition launched its 16 Days of Activism campaign inviting citizens throughout B.C. to join with coalition partners and take action to stop violence against women.  The coalition is modeled on the international "We Can" campaign taking place in six countries in South Asia seeking to trigger a person-to-person chain reaction of change in attitudes and behaviour on a scale sufficient to generate a mass social movement to end all violence against women.

Published: Nov 21, 2020

The 16 Days of Activism

We would like to thank the community for your support during these 16 days and bringing more awareness about the seriousness of the issue of Violence Against Women.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence began November 25, the International Day Against Violence Against Women and ran through to December 10, International Human Rights Day. These dates have been chosen to symbolically link violence against women with human rights violations and the 16 day period includes other significant dates such as:
November 29 - International Women Human Rights Defender Day, December 1 - World AIDS Day
December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons
December 6 - the Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre.

Published: Oct 02, 2020

British Columbia ‘We Can’ Campaign Launch June 4, 2021

The ‘We Can’ Partners launched the BC Campaign on:
Monday, June 4th, 2007 at:

Ravi Banquet Hall
201-8166-128th Surrey, BC
Tel: 604 572 6962

Violence against women persists in every country throughout the world. Violence against women is not only a pervasive violation of fundamental human rights but it is also a significant impediment in realizing and achieving gender equality.

Published: Aug 27, 2020

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